Monday 24 October 2016

STD-VI Cycle Test 3 syllabus

SYLLABUS of Cycle test 3 – Formative Assessment-4
Sub: English
Name of the chapters
  • Composition: Comprehension 1
  • Prose: The Wizard – Major Dhyan Chand
  • Grammar: Articles
  • Composition: Formal Letter
  • Poem: The Village School Master
  • Grammar: Verbs – Finite Verbs
  • Composition: Email Writing
  • SR: Return to the Wreck
  • Grammar: Verbs – One Word for Many
  • Composition: Article Writing
  • Prose: Machu Pichu – An Engineering Wonder
  • Grammar: Adverbs – Kinds of Adverbs
  • Composition: Dialogue Writing – Revision
  • SR: We Relocate to the Forest
  • Grammar: Antonyms and Synonyms
  • Composition: Descriptive Writing – Revision
  • Grammar: Adjectives – Revision
  • Grammar: Sentences – Revision
  • Error Identification
  • Grammar: Prepositions
  • Grammar: Punctuations
  • Grammar: Determiners – Revision
  • Error Identification

Name of the chapters
  • Chapter 6: Decimals
  • Chapter 8: Linear Equation
  • Chapter 11: Understanding Elementary Shapes
  • Chapter 16: Set Theory

Sub: Science
Name of the chapters
  • Chapter 1: Life Needs Food
  • Chapter 9: Life can Adapt
  • Chapter12:The Power of Electricity

Sub: History
Name of the chapters
  • Integrated Project
  • Ch 18: Civics : District Administration
  • Ch 8: History: The Rise and the Decline of the Mauryan Empire
  • Ch 9: History : The Rise And the Decline of the Guptas
  • Ch 19: Civics: Municipal Administration
  • Ch 10: History : Deccan and the South Indian Kingdoms

Sub: Geography
Name of the chapters
  • Ch 7: India-Location and Physical Features
  • Ch 8: Climate of India

Sub: Computer
Name of the chapters
  • Ch4 Introduction to HTML
  • What is HTML?
  • Basic HTML Tags
  • Elements & attributes
  • Creating list

Sub: Hindi
Name of the chapters
  • पाठः कोलंबस
  • व्याकरणः पर्यायवाची शब्द
  • व्याकरणः सर्वनाम
  • व्याकरणः विशेषण
  • रचनाः सार लेखन, अनुच्छेद-लेखन (पुनः अभ्यास) HW
  • कविताः बसंती हवा
  • व्याकरणः क्रिया
  • व्याकरणः काल
  • पाठः पुस्तककीट
  • व्याकरणः लोकोक्तियाँ
  • लहरः नानी का घड़ा
  • रचनाः अपठित गद्यांश, अपठित पद्यांश (पुनः अभ्यास)
  • रचनाः पत्र-लेखन (अनौपचारिक) (पुनःअभ्यास)
  • व्याकरणः पर्यायवाची शब्द, विशेषण, क्रिया (पुनः अभ्यास)

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