Sunday 16 October 2016

Integrated Project_Science

Topic: Tea                                      - Sips savored over generations
Objectives: The students will be able to:
·         know the health benefits of various types of tea
·         know its negative health effects due to excessive consumption
·         differentiate between the fibrous and tap root system
·         differentiate between the parallel and reticulate venation
·         learn to work in a team

Material Required: (To be sourced out by the student)
·         For written presentation: scrap book, chart paper(for poster making), pen, crayons, sketch pens, relevant pictures, cello tape (or any other adhesive), a pair of scissors, pencils, eraser, sharpener
(Note: materials other than the scrap book may vary as per the students’ or teachers’ discretion)

Preparation prior to session: (Note: provide one week’s time to research)
1.  Draw the given table on the class board and instruct the students to note it down.
Criteria for research
Types of Tea
Vitamins present in it
Minerals present in it
Health benefits
Green tea

Black tea

White tea

Oolong tea

Example: Green tea àVit A, C, K à Fluorine à healthy skin, control diabetes, anti-cancer properties.
(note: the example is given only for the teachers’ reference)

2.  Ask students to find answers of the following questions:
Ø  Which part of the plant is used in preparing tea?
Ø  Which type of roots does a tea plant have – fibrous or tap roots?
Ø  Which type of venation is shown by the leaves of tea – parallel or reticulate?
Ø  Too Much of Anything Is Bad For Our Health’. Write the negative health effects caused due to the excess consumption of tea.

3.  Instruct that each student needs to research on the assigned criteria and collect the related information in their scrap book for poster making with their respective group.
(Note: inform students that they can use books, newspapers or internet sites to research)

  1. Organize the class into groups.
2.    Instruct each group to prepare the ‘poster’ based on the information collected by them in their scrap book and decorate it.
Viva questions: Ask 1 question per student (1 mark each) based on the presentation given. Questions may vary as per the teacher’s discretion

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