Thursday 15 October 2015

Life needs food

1.Junk stuffs like burger, potato chips and pizza are also food, so do you think we should eat them to get energy? Why?
No, because they are not healthy, nutritious, they will make us fatty
Food is any edible substance which one eats in order to provide useful material that is required by the body of living being.
3. Name some products that are produced from milk.
 Ghee , cheese, butter Ø  etc
4. Name an insect product that we eat.
5.  What do you understand by healthy nutritious food?
The food keeps us healthy, provide nutrition, give strength.
6. Why is food essential for us?
 Food essential  for getting energy, & also to give  strength to our body.
7.  What are the sources of food?
Plant and animal source.
8. Give example of certain seeds used as food.
 Wheat ,corn etc.
 9. Name some food items obtained from animal sources.
Milk,  egg, meat.
10. How do the plants get food to grow big and produce fruit?
Plants make food for itself by the process of photosynthesis.
11.Can all plants make food for themselves?
No, only green plants can make food for themselves.
12.  Is that the reason ‘green plants’ are called ‘producers’?
13. What can we do to help our bodies stay healthy?
We can stay healthy by adapting healthy habits like exercising, eating healthy food, bathing regularly and properly brushing our teeth.
14. Definition of Nutrient:
 The useful materials that are present in food and needed by living organism to sustain its life are called ‘Nutrients’.
15.Why do we need energy?
We  need energy to perform various functions .
16. What gives us energy?
17.   Name the basic components of food that provide us nutrients.
Carbohydrates,  fats, proteins, vitamins and minerals.
18.Which nutrient/ component of food forms the major portion of our food?
19. Give some benefits of fats to our body.
Fats provide energy and warmth to our body.
20.Name some major sources of proteins.
Milk, meat, eggs, peas, grams etc.
21.How are proteins useful to the body?
Proteins help the body in the growth and repair of worn-out parts.
22. What will happen if one consumes food rich in fats and sugar?
become obese, fat, excess weight gain.
· Vitamins are classified as either fat soluble (vitamins A, D, E and K) or water soluble (vitamins B and C). · The fat soluble vitamins are soluble in fats. These fat soluble vitamins, especially vitamins A and E, are then stored in body tissues.
 · Water-soluble vitamins dissolve in water and are not stored by the body. Since they are eliminated in urine, we require a continuous daily supply in our diet.
 · The water-soluble vitamins include the vitamin B-complex group and vitamin C.
 · Vitamin B complex comprises 8 different types of vitamins namely Vitamin B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9 and B12.
· Vitamin D is prepared by our body in the presence of sunlight.
23.Why are vitamins essential?
They are essential because they help in growth, to keep healthy and to fight against diseases.
24. Why is iron needed in our body?
iron makes  RBCs , component of blood.
25. Which mineral is needed to keep muscles, brain and nerves healthy?
26.Give some sources of iodine.
Fish, shellfish,
27.Why are  fibres  essential?
Fibres help  to carry waste, undigested material from the body.
28. What should we do to retain the balance of water in our body?
Drink at least 8-10 glasses of water every day, eat fruits, vegetables and drink juices and milk as they are good sources of water.
29. Define the term ‘balanced diet’.
The daily intake of food which contains all the necessary nutrients in the right quantities is called a balanced diet.

Life can adapt
1.       Where will you find an earthworm?
In the soil.
2 .Where will you find a frog or a lotus plant?
Ponds, lakes
3.What type of animals or birds will you find in the polar/ snow regions?
Polar  bear, reindeer, penguin, snow leopard.
 4.Give one example of a plant and an animal found in desert region?
Cactus, camel
       The natural surrounding where the living organisms can survive, breed and flourish is called habitat.
6. The word ‘bio’ means ‘life’ and a living or once living component of a community describes biotic component. ® Plants, animals, fungi, microorganisms etc. are examples of biotic components of a habitat.
  7. The word origin ‘a’ means ‘not’ or ‘without’ and ‘biotic’- pertains to life’.
     Therefore, the word ‘abiotic’ means ‘without life’ or ‘non-living.
    The non- living things such as air, food, water, soil, sunlight and heat are the abiotic components.
8. A natural habitat is an environmental area where a specific organism lives.
 It is the place in nature that particular species calls home.
For. e.g forests, pond, lakes, deserts, polar region
9.Will a camel be able to survive in polar region or a polar bear will be able to survive in a desert? Why? No, because they will not be able to survive as they don’t have the special feature suitable for that type .
10. The presence of specific features or certain habits which enable a plant or an animal to live in its surroundings is called adaptation.
Adaptations involve changes in the characteristics of the living organisms that develop over a period of time and enable them to survive in a particular environment.
11.Why man (human beings) is considered well adapted among all living things?
 it is because human beings are capable of adapting to any will not be able to breathe, it cannot swim on water.
12. What is the difference between habitat and adaptation?
Habitat is the natural surrounding where the living organisms can survive, breed and flourish whereas adaptation is specific features or certain habits which enable a plant or an animal to live in its surroundings.
13.What are the adaptations shown by a duck to its aquatic habitat?
webbed feet, feather covered with waxy substance.
14. What are xerophytes?
land plants which live in the conditions of water scarcity are called xerophytes.
15.Give few examples of desert plants.
cactus, Cassia, agave etc
16. What is so special about succulent plants?
Such plants have specialized roots, stems, leaves which collect and store water in them during rains.
17. Give few examples of succulent plants.
Aloe, agave
18.Name some plants that produce drought resistant seeds. (Cassia,  Argemone)
19.Give examples of some adaptations shown by the desert plants.
leaves are modified into long slender leaves spines, plats leaf like stems, extensive roots system, drought resistant seeds
20. Which part of these plants usually carries out photosynthesis?
Photosynthesis is carried out by stem, covered with thick waxy layer that helps to retain water.
21. Why do desert plants lose so little water?
Because their leaves are reduced to  spines
22.Name a few differences in structure/ body parts between fishes and human beings
.Fishes have fins, scales on their body, tail, gills, whereas human beings do not have tail or fins like fishes, no gills, they cannot breathe under water.
23.Whales&  Dolphins
They are categorized as mammals. ®
They breathe air through nostrils or have blowholes located on their head to take oxygen at the surface of water. Hence they come out to the water surface to breathe from time to time. ®
 They can stay inside water for a long time without breathing.
What adaptation does a chameleon show to its surrounding?
( it can change the colour to protect itself from enemies.
A group of kangaroo is called a mob.
ü Starfish can switch their gender whenever they like ü
 Giraffes are as tall as two storey house.
ü Dolphins sleep with only half of their brain and with one eye open so they can watch for predators and other threats.
ü Penguins lost their ability to fly 62 million years ago.
 How do the fins and the tail help fishes inside the water?
(fins and the tail help fishes to change directions and keep their body balance)

Xerophytes: These plants live in conditions of water scarcity.Extensive well developed root system. leaves are small and spine shaped e.g. cactus, opuntia
Hydrophytes: These plants live in conditions of plenty of water. Root system is  not well developed or absent.Leave are large and broad, etc e.g.  hydrilla , lotus

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