Tuesday 27 October 2015

Social Science- Geography: India Location and physical features

 India Location and physical features

Question and Answers

  1. How did India get its name? (The word ‘India’ has been derived from the Greek word Indoi meaning land or the region beyond the river Indus or Sindhu.)
  2. What is the rank of India in terms of area? (seventh largest in the world)
  3. What is the the time difference between Arunachal Pradesh and Rann of Kuchchh? (120 minutes or 2 hours)
  4. Name the Northern tip and the Southern tip of India. (Northern tip of India is Indira Col in Kashmir and the Southern tip is Kanyakumari)
  5. What is the northern most point of India? (Indira Col)
  6. Name the island groups of India. (Lakshadweep and Andaman and Nicobar islands)
  7. Name the physical features of India (Physical Features of India:The Northern Mountains, The Northern Plains, The Peninsular Plateau, The Great Indian Desert, The Coastal Plains, The Islands)
  8. Name the rivers that drain the Indus Basin. (River Indus and its tributaries: Jhelum, Chenab, Beas, Ravi and Sutlej)
  9. What do you know about Greater Himalayas? (Also known as Himadri, Innermost range of Himalayas, Average altitude is 6100 metres, Consists of few highest peaks of the world, For example, Mt. Everest (8850 m), Kanchenjunga (8598 m), Makalu (8481), Important passes are Shipki La, Nathu La, etc)
  10. What are the different physical features of India?  
  11. How are Northern Plains classified?
  12. Explain in brief about the Malwa Plateau. (Lies to the North of Vindhya hills, bounded by Aravali Ranges in the West and Bundelkhand in the East, The Narmada, the Tapi and the Mahi flow into the Arabian Sea)
  13. Why is the Deccan plateau most important cotton growing region? (Consists of rich black soil used for cotton cultivation)
  14. Name the two major island groups of India (The Lakshadweep and the Andaman and Nicobar Islands are two major island groups of India.)
  15. What does the word Lakshadweep mean? (The Lakshadweep Islands means ‘Hundred Thousand Islands’ in Sanskrit.)
  16. Name the volcanic island (The only active volcanic island called Barren Island is located here.)
  17. Why is the Indo - Gangetic plain known as the ‘Food Bowl’? (The fertile alluvial soil of Indo - Gangetic plain facilitates production of different types of crops. Thus, it is known as the ‘Food Bowl’ of the country.)
  18. How do Himalayas protect us? (The Himalayas act as a natural barrier against foreign invaders and cold winter winds from Northern Asia.)

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