Friday, 28 April 2017

Class 6 Social Science Holiday Homework

Holiday Homework (2017-18)
Class : VI                                                                                                         Subject :Social Science
Name : ___________________________________                                      Roll No: _____


Fill in the Blanks
1. Vishnu Purana is an example of_________________ literature.
2. In north India, religious texts were mostly written in _______________ language.
3. Inscriptions are _______________ records.
4. Sanchi Stupa was built during the period of _____________________.
5. Indika was written by ________________________.
6. Manuscripts are ______________________________________.
7. Historians divide the past into ________________________________periods.
8. ____________ is regarded as an important source material for reconstruction of ancient Indian history.

9. Timelines helps us understand ___________.

10. ______________ are a written collection of one’s memories.

11. The Largest planet in the Solar System is  ____________________.

12. The Path taken by the planets to go around the sun is called __________.

Answer the Following:

1. Why are Literary sources important in reconstructing the past?

2. What is the difference between a manuscript and an inscription?

3. Differentiate between a star and a planet.

4. What are the favourable conditions that make life possible on Earth?

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