Saturday 10 December 2016

Revision question bank cycle test 3

Question Bank Cycle Test – 3 (2016-17)

Std: VI

Subject: English

I.                       Read the following passage carefully.

The earth is losing its forests. Presently, trees cover about 30 percent of the earth's surface, but they are being destroyed at an alarming rate. Timber harvesting is a major reason for the destruction of the forests. At least 40 hectares of rainforest are being felled every minute, mostly in order to extract the valuable timber.

Another way that man is destroying the world's forests is by burning them down. The main reason for this is to clear the land for farming. Farmers in rainforest countries are often poor and cannot afford to buy land. Instead, they clear rainforest land to raise their animals or grow their crops. Already more than thirty tropical countries have reached a critical level of forest destruction.
Healthy trees are a vital part of the environment, and keep the entire balance of the atmosphere agreeable to all life forms. Forests are catchment areas for rainwater. Furthermore, the forests help maintain the water cycles in the area. Thus, the destruction of forests may also lead to a reduction in rainfall over the area, resulting in drought. Forests also protect and feed the soil. Tees curb soil erosion.
Apart from preventing soil erosion and landslides, forests, with their abundant supply of leaves, give compost back to the land, thus helping it to remain fertile. The leaves of the trees and the droppings of the birds, animals and insects which live in them, fall to the ground, where they decay and replenish the soil with mulch, minerals and manure.
Forests are rich in flora and fauna. The rainforests are home to over half of the entire species of the world. Plants and creatures are god's gift to us and they serve mankind, each in its own way.

1.          Now answer the following questions:

a.                 State one major reason for the destruction of the forests.

b.                 How do trees contribute towards the fertility of the soil?

c.                 Why are healthy trees a vital part of the environment?

d.                 Why do the farmers clear the rainforest land?


e.                 How do the forests help in keeping the land fertile?

f.                    What may lead to the reduction in the rainfall?

g.                 In what manner do the leaves of the trees, birds, animals and insects which live in them replenish the soil?

h.                 What are the rainforests home to?

II.                      Read the following passage carefully.

On the bank of a river, there was a tall and sturdy oak tree. Near that oak tree, some reeds had grown on the ground. The reeds were weak and slender. Whereas the oak tree looked huge and stout. The tree was very much proud of his size and strength. He often ridiculed the weak reeds.

One day the oak tree boasted, “Look, how strong I am! I can resist the powerful wind without bowing down before it. But you reeds are so week that you cannot even sustain the soft breeze and start trembling with fear. The tree continued with his boastful talk, “I am so strong that I can block the way of the wind, whereas you weak vegetations bow down even before the gentle blow of the wind.
After hearing enough from the oak tree, the reeds said humbly,” Of course we are weak in front of the strong wind and so we pay our respect to the wind by bowing down in front of it. I think that you should also sometimes bow down in front of the powerful wind.”
The arrogant tree laughed aloud, “Ha, Ha! I am not a reed who bows down to all and everyone. I’m a stout oak tree who never bends.” The wind which had been hearing the tree’s arrogant talk since long, couldn’t tolerate it anymore. It blew so hard that the tall and sturdy oak tree was uprooted and thrown on the ground. However, the weak and slender reeds survived because they bowed to
save themselves from the strong wind blow. It shows that how humility always wins.
2.1      Answer the questions in brief:

a.            How did the tree ridicule the weak reeds?

b.            What was the reply of the reeds?

c.            What happened to the arrogant tree at last?

2.2      Find the meanings of the words given below with the help of the options that follow:

a.            sturdy (para 1)

(i)     thin

(ii)   well built




b.            ridiculed (para 1)

(i)     thought about

(ii)   laughed at (iii)planned (iv)praised

c.            resist (para 2)

(i)     be friends with

(ii)    hate (iii)like
(iv)hold out against

d.            humility (para 4)

(i)     modesty

(ii)    meaningful (iii)grateful (iv)kindness

III.                      Writing:

1.                  Write a letter to your class teacher to grant you leave for seven days. State appropriate reasons for the same.

2.                  Your friend from another city has sent you an email inviting you to spend the

Diwali vacation with him/ her. Reply to the email accepting the invitation.

3.                  You went to a book fair with your parents. Describe the scene around you.

4.                  You decide to write an article in the school magazine on how it is important to save the planet earth. Write the article in about 100 words.
5.                  Write a conversation between two friends where they discuss about their choice of career.

IV.                 Grammar

Identify the kind of the underlined adverbs:

Adverbs-kinds of Adverbs

1.                  The thief entered the shop stealthily.

a.     Adverb of degree

b.     Adverb of manner

c.     Adverb of place


d.     Interrogative adverb

2.                  Rajiv found ripe mangoes in the orchard daily.

a.     Adverb of frequency

b.     Adverb of manner

c.      Adverb of place

a.     Interrogative adverb

3.                  We must contribute for the class magazine regularly.

a.     Adverb of degree

b.     Adverb of manner

c.      Adverb of place

a.     Adverb of frequency

4.                  Yesterday they gave me space to sit.

a.     Adverb of degree

b.     Adverb of manner

c.      Adverb of time

a.     Adverb of frequency

5.                  Where is the book I wanted?

a.     Adverb of degree

b.     Adverb of manner

c.      Adverb of place

a. Interrogative adverb

Fill in the blanks with appropriate adverb from the brackets: Adverbs-kinds of Adverbs

1.                  I ___________ agree with my friends. (full/ fully)

2.                  The boys were ______________ chatting away. (continuously/ often)

3.                  He ran __________ fast. (very/ every)

4.                  I complete my homework ____________. (hardly/ daily)

5.                  I have been dining ____________ for the last five years. (beautifully/ here)

Fill in the blanks with ‘a’, ‘an’ or ‘the’:


1.                  Sara is _______ European girl.

2.                  Do you have _______ driver's license?

3.                  Tom is __________ teacher.

4.                  Rajiv is __________ honest boy.

5.                  Do you know where I left __________ car keys?


Identify the type of the underlined adjective.


1.                  Ramon won the first prize for the elocution competition.

a.     adjective of quality

b.     adjective of number

c.      demonstrative adjective

d.     possessive adjective

2.                  Shyama was wearing a blue dress.

a.     adjective of quality

b.     adjective of number

c.      demonstrative adjective

d.     possessive adjective

3.                  Try using this camera to click pictures.

a.     adjective of quality

b.     adjective of number

c.      demonstrative adjective

d.     possessive adjective

4.                  What assignment did I miss out on?

a.     adjective of quality

b.     adjective of number

c.      interrogative adjective

d.     possessive adjective

5.                  Most boys like cricket.

a.     adjective of quantity

b.     adjective of number

c.      demonstrative adjective

d.     possessive adjective

Identify the verbs as transitive or intransitive.

Verbs-Finite Verbs

1.                  The batsman hit the ball.

2.                  The bird sang.

3.                  I walked to the park today.

4.                  My sister broke the window.

5.                  The peacock is the national bird of India.

Fill in the blanks with correct options: Verbs-Finite Verbs

1.                  Simi’s train from Kolkata took more than 30 hours. She ___________ be exhausted after such a long flight.


a.     must

b.     might

c.      may

d.     could

2.                  If you want to get a better feeling for how the city is laid out, you ___________

walk downtown.

a.     must

b.     might

c.      should

d.     could

3.                  Hiking to the peak ____________ be dangerous if you are not well prepared for dramatic weather changes.

a.     must

b.     might

c.      can

d.     could

4.                  Jenny's engagement ring is enormous! It ___________ have cost a fortune.

a.     must

b.     might

c.      can

d.     could

5.                  ________ I ask a question? Yes, of course.

a.     must

b.     may

c.      can

d.     could

Rewrite the underlined phrases with a single verb in the given sentences. Verbs- One Word for Many

1.                  Ravi and Raj look so much like each other.

2.                  Sushila was able to make her sister agree to go out and play with her

3.                  He took a stand against the decision of the committee members.

4.                  Rajan gave me his word that he will prepare well for his exams.

5.                  The factory manager showed and explained how chocolates are made.

Fill in the blanks with correct prepositions: Prepositions

6.                  Simi’s train _________ Kolkata to Mumbai took more than 30 hours. a. at


b.     from

c.      upon

d.     by

7.                  I don't like walking alone in the streets __________ night.
a.     from

b.     upon

c.      by

d.     at

8.                  Hiking __________ the peak can be dangerous.

a.     from

b.     upon

c.      by

d.     to

9.                  There is a bridge _____________ the river.

a.     around

b.     for

c.      over

d.     in

10.             Who is the person ________ this picture?
a.     around

b.     for

c.      over

d.     in

Choose the correctly punctuated sentences.


1.                  a. Yes, Jim said, I'll be home by ten.

b.     “Yes”, Jim said, “I’ll be home by ten”.

c.      “yes, Jim said, I’ll be home by ten”.

d.     Yes jim said, I’ll be home by ten

2.                    The following are the primary colours: red, blue, and yellow.

The following are the primary colours red blue and yellow. the following are the primary colours: red, blue, and yellow
The following are the primary colours, red blue and yellow

3.                  a. Spain is a beautiful country; the beach's are warm, sandy and spotlessly clean.

b.     Spain is a beautiful country: the beaches are warm, sandy and spotlessly clean.
c.      Spain is a beautiful country, the beaches are warm, sandy and spotlessly



d.     Spain is a beautiful country; the beaches are warm, sandy and spotlessly clean.

4.                  a. I can't see Tim's car, there must have been an accident.

b.     I cant see Tim's car; there must have been an accident.

c.      I can't see Tim's car there must have been an accident.

d.     I can't see Tim's car; there must have been an accident.

5.                  a. That tall man, Paul's grandad, is this month's winner.

b.     That tall man Paul's grandad is this month's winner.

c.      That tall man, Paul's grandad, is this months winner.

d.     That tall man, Pauls grandad, is this month's winner.

Choose the correct antonym for the underlined word.

Antonyms and Synonyms

1.                  He is tall but his brother is __________.

a.     short

b.     big

c.      huge

d.     hungry

2.                  It is hot outside so I want ________ coffee.

a.     breezy

b.     cold

c.      stormy

d.     warm

3.                  That dress seems expensive but the other one is ____________.

a.     wealthy

b.     overpriced

c.      great

d.     inexpensive

4.                  I do not want to live in this filthy colony. The one on the other street is __________.

a.     nice

b.     dirty

c.      clean

d.     pretty

5.                  Why are you being so arrogant? Try to be ______________.

a.     snooty

b.     stupid

c.      humble


d. cunning

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the adjectives.


Her dress is (pretty) .......................................................

than mine.
Cheetahs are (fast) ........................................

animals we can find.
Eating fruit and vegetables is (healthy)
...................... than eating hot dogs.
I like milk (good) ..........................
than coffee.
The blue whale is (heavy) ................................

animal in the world.

Fill in the blanks with appropriate determiners


1.                 There is ………………. rice in this bag. (many/ some)

2.                 I want to be …………. good doctor when I grow up. (a / the)

3.                 She does not have ………………. friends. (many / much)

4.                 At last …………….. patriot in him revolted. (a / the)

5.                 There were ________________books on the table. (fourth/four)

Complete the sentence by adding an appropriate predicate to it.


1.                 The letter __________________________________________________.

2.                 The farmers ________________________________________________.

3.                 The stern judge ____________________________________________.

4.                 His broken leg _____________________________________________.

5.                 The storm clouds ___________________________________________.

V.                       Literature

Read the extracts and answer the questions that follow.

1.                 After India played its first match in the 1936 Olympics, Dhyan Chand’s game drew crowds to the hockey field. The next day, there were posters all over Berlin. ‘Visit the hockey stadium to watch the Indian magician Dhyan Chand in action.’

‘The Wizard’- Major Dhyan Chand

a.     When did the Indian Hockey team reach Berlin?

b.     Why was Dhyan Chand called ‘The Indian Magician’?

c.     Identify the word which means ‘to attract’.

2.                 It is due to the incredible civil engineering techniques that many of the best


known buildings at Machu Picchu have remained standing till date.

Machu Pichu – An Engineering Wonder

a.     Give two instances which depict the incredible engineering techniques of

Machu Picchu.

b.     What technique was used to place the stones in Machu Picchu?

c.     Find the word which is an antonym for ‘unknown’.

3.                  A man severe he was, and stern to view,

I knew him well, and every truant knew;

Well had the boding tremblers learn’d to trace The days disasters in his morning face;
The Village Schoolmaster

a.     What kind of a man was the village schoolmaster?

b.     Name and explain the figure of speech in the first line of the stanza.

c.     Give the meaning of the word ‘truant’.

VI.                 Answer the following questions in 30 to 40 words each.

1.                  ‘The Wizard’- Major Dhyan Chand

a.     What are the opening words of the autobiography of Major Dhyan Chand titled ‘Goal!’?
b.     Why is Major Dhyan Chand considered the greatest field hockey player of all times?
c.     Why could Dhyan Chand attend school only for six years?

d.     Why was Dhyan’s hockey stick broken and checked by the Dutch authorities?

e.     The brothers Dhyan Chand and Roop Singh were named ‘The Hockey Twins’.


2.                  Machu Pichu – An Engineering Wonder

a.     Why was the concept of ‘The New Seven Wonders of the World’ started?

b.     What factors were kept in mind while deciding the new Seven Wonders of the


c.     How did little Sia know about Machu Pichu?

d.     How do we know that Machu Pichu was not constructed for military purposes?
e.     How can one reach Machu Pichu?

3.                  The Village Schoolmaster

a.     What impression did the students have of the school master?

b.     Why were the village folk in awe of the school master?

c.     What do you understand from these lines?

‘The love he bore to learning was in fault’

d. The poet regards the schoolmaster with love and affection. Justify.


e. Do you think the students really disrespected the schoolmaster? Explain.

VII.                Answer the following questions in about 80 – 100 words. The Swiss Family Robinson
1.                  In the novel ‘The Swiss Family Robinson’, how do we know that Fritz has great presence of mind?

2.                  In the novel ‘The Swiss Family Robinson’, describe the narrator’s family’s reaction on his return from the shipwreck.
3.                  In the novel ‘The Swiss Family Robinson’, the narrator and his family built a bridge across the river. Explain the process.



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