Thursday 1 September 2016

Syllabus Cycle test 2

  • Prose: Ubuntu – An African Concept
  • Grammar: Subject – Verb Agreement
  • Composition: Biographical Sketch
  • Poem: The Flower School
  • Error Identification
  • SR: Voyage of Discovery
  • Prose: The World in a Wall
  • Grammar: Nouns – One Word for Many
  • Grammar: Nouns – Workers/ Professions
  • Composition: Comprehension 3
  • Poem: You are Old, Father William
  • Grammar: Determiners
  • Composition: Dialogue Writing
  • SR: Night Fright
  • Grammar: Adjectives – Formation and Comparison
  • Composition: Descriptive Writing
  • Grammar: Verbs
  • Composition: Message Writing – Revision
  • Grammar: Idioms
  • Composition: Informal Letter – Revision
  • Error Identification
  • Grammar: Nouns and Pronouns – Rev

                GEOGRAPHY SYLLABUS
Name of the chapters
  • Ch 4: Motions of the Earth
  • Ch 5: Earth’s Empire
  • Ch 6: Geo-Forms of Earth

                HISTORY SYLLABUS
  • Ch 5: History : From Janas to Mahajanapadas
  • Ch 15: Civics : The Government and its Formation
  • Ch 6: History: Villages and Towns in Ancient India
  • Ch 7: History: Jainism and Buddhism
  • Ch 16: Civics : Democracy and its Features
  • Ch 17: Civics : Village Administration

  • Chapter 4: Integers
  • Chapter 5: Fractions
  • Chapter 15: Data Handling
  • Chapter 7: Introduction to Algebra

  • Chapter 4: Separating Mixtures
  • Chapter 7: How Animals Move
  • Chapter 11: The Glow of Light
·         Chapter 15: Water is Life
  • Ch3 Organizing and Analyzing Data using OpenOffice 4 Calc
  • Sorting the data
  • Filter the data
  • Basic statistical Function
  • Creating Charts
  • Printing
  • Ch – 5 Windows Moviemaker 6
  • Practical 2

  • पाठः कौशल
  • व्याकरणः संधि (पुनःअभ्यास) HW
  • व्याकरणः समास
  • लहरः दुनिया से परे
  • व्याकरणः संज्ञा
  • पाठः देशभक्त इब्राहिम गार्दी
  • व्याकरणः लिंग
  • व्याकरणः वचन
  • रचनाः निबंध-लेखन
  • रचनाः पत्र-लेखन (औपचारिक)
  • कविताः अरमान
  • व्याकरणः कारक
  • व्याकरणः मुहावरे
  • लहरः घड़ी का महत्व
  • रचनाः अपठित गद्यांश, अपठित पद्यांश (पुनः अभ्यास) HW
  • पाठः हमारे त्योहार
  • रचनाः कहानी-लेखन
  • व्याकरणः समास, संज्ञा, लिंग, वचन (पुनःअभ्यास) HW
  • व्याकरणः कारक, मुहावरे (पुनः अभ्यास) HW

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