Wednesday 13 July 2016

Syllabus - FA-2

Prose The Man on the Island,A Grain as Big as a Hen’s Egg
Poem The Lame Boy’s Lament,The Height of Ridiculous SR – Shipwreck,Landing on the Deserted Island
Grammar -  Sentences,Parts of Speech,Nouns – Kinds and Number ,Nouns – Gender,Pronouns,Adjectives – Kinds of Adjectives, Prefix and Suffix
Composition -Comprehension ,Notice Writing, Message Writing, Informal Letter

Maths - Know your Numbers, Playing with Numbers ,Whole Numbers, Basic Geometrical Ideas

Science -  Ch 8: We the Living,Ch 6: World of Greensick 2: Origin of Fabrics ,Ch 10: Motion and measurement, Portion from the book Activity plus in Science for grade 6:Activity 7.1

Soc.Science - Reconstructing History ,The Early Humans, Deciphering The Stereotypical Society, Indus Valley Civilization, The Vedic Civilization, Structure of our Solar System ,Globe- Latitudes and Longitudes, Mapping a Location

Hindi –  पाठ साहसी कन्या,नीलकंठ
कविता  वर दे, वीणा वादिनी वर दे
व्याकरण भाषा, बोली, लिपि और व्याकरण ,वर्ण-विचार और उच्चारण,संधि,उपसर्ग,प्रत्यय
रचना  अपठित गद्यांश,अनुच्छेद-लेखन,पत्र-लेखन (अनौपचारिक),अपठित पद्यांश,सार लेखन
लहर कहानी संग्रह अच्छा श्रोता ही अच्छा वक्ता
Computer - Storage devices,
                    Introduction to OpenOffice4 Calc

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