Monday 29 February 2016

Basics of Waste Management

What do you do to the wrapper of the chocolate you have eaten? Why?
(throw it away because it is a waste)
ØWhat do you do the peel of banana you have eaten? Why?
(throw it away because it is a waste)
ØWhat is a waste?
Each individual’s contribution counts when it comes to save biodiversity. Explain that,
the importance of conservation of paper for saving trees/forest and the biodiversity of a
ØWhat is reforestation?(
Reforestation is the process of turning a destroyed forest back into a forest)
ØWhat is the correct method of carrying out the process of reforestation?
reforestation is achieved by planting new trees. Sometimes reforestation takes place naturally, if the forests are left undisturbed.

Non biodegradable waste such as plastic and e-waste is very important.
What is non-biodegradable waste? (the waste when disposed in garbage
pile, cannot be broken down into simpler substances by the
air, moisture,climate, soil or living things is called as non-biodegradable waste)
ØIs Old /non functional TV an example of biodegradable or non
-biodegradable waste? Why? (non-biodegradable because they do not broke down naturally into the simpler substances.
ØWhat will happen if those who collect garbage from your home and surrounding do not turn up for a month?
Ø What did the 3 R concept of waste management refer? (reduce, reuse and
Ø Is the toothbrush and spoon you use daily biodegradable? (no)
Ø The Safai  Karmachari collects waste from our homes daily. Where does this
waste go and what happens to it?the waste is collected from different homes, the first step in the waste management is to separate the solid waste from the liquidwaste. In the next step, solid waste is again divided into biodegradable and nonbiodegradable waste.
Ø How do we can separate biodegradable and non-biodegradable waste?if the waste is separated as biodegradable and nonbiodegradable at the source then it can make the waste treatment process faster, cheaper and more effective.every household/school/colleges/public places should have one bin
for biodegradable waste and another one for non biodegradable waste.
Ø What are decomposers? (microorganisms such as bacteria and fungi are called decomposers)
Ø Why are the decomposers known as cleaners of nature? (because decomposers break down the dead parts of plants and bodies of dead animals, and release nutrients from them into the environment
Ø Give examples of decomposers used for composting. (earthworm, fungi and microorganisms)
Ø How do the Earthworms help to convert waste into the compost?
Is it necessary to separate biodegradable and non-biodegradable waste .YES
Ø How can the process of composting enhance? (by creating and controlling the conditions required for composting)
Ø What did the decomposer require for decomposing? (dead matter of living organisms)
Ø What is vermicomposting? (earthworms are used for the process of composting and the process is called vermicomposting)
Ø What is the use of biogas? (it is used as a fuel)
Ø What is the use of residue from a biogas plant?
ØWhat are the methods used for management of solid biodegradable waste?
(composting, vermicomposting, land filling and biogas)
ØWhat happen if waste water from our homes and factories is directly released
into the river? (it will pollute the water, it will be harmful for the organisms in
How is waste water treated in India?, liquid waste is either treated at a sewage treatment plant or
released directly into open water bodies in India liquid waste (household)
grey water (water coming out from kitchen sinks, showers and washing machineblack water
(water coming out from toilets and urinals
ØCan we dispose the non-biodegradable waste in the same way as biodegradable waste? (no)
ØDo you think non-biodegradable waste can be decomposed bymicroorganisms? (no)
ØYou must have seen your mother giving old papers, glass bottles and metal cans to scrap dealer. What did the scrap dealer do with these items?
(make paper bags etc)
·reduce, reuse and recycle works best for non-biodegradable waste and metal, glass and plastic are most commonly recycled non-biodegradable waste.
ØWhy do you think the metal, plastic and glass waste is recycled? (so it can be used again)
ØHow is the liquid waste from the households divided? (grey water and black water)
ØWhat is black water? (the water coming out from the toilets and urinals is called black water)
ØName the most commonly recycled non-biodegradable waste. (metal, glass and plastic)
ØHow is the plastic recycled?(the plastic is melted and converted into pellets and these pellets are used to make new products)

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