Wednesday 2 December 2015

Topic Deccan and the South Indian Kingdoms

Topic Deccan and the South Indian Kingdoms

Extra Questions

             1.For how many years did the Satavahanas rule? (300 years)
2.     What were Satavahanas also known as? (Andhras)
3.     Which inscriptions tell us about the reign of GautamiputraAtakarni? (Nashik and Nanaghad)
4.     Who was the seventeenth king of the Satavahana dynasty? What was he famous for? (Hala-     famous for his book Gathasaptasati)
5.     Who defeated Pulakesin II? ( Narasimhavarman I )
6.     Who was the successor of Pulakesin II? ( Vikramaditya)
7.     What was Sangam? (an assembly of Tamil poets held under the patronage of the kings)
8.     How many Sangams were there in all? (three)
9.     Where was the first Sangam held? (the then Madurai)
10.   Where were the second and third Sangam held? (second Sangam at Kapadapuram and third at Madurai)
11.   Which dynasties ruled the South India during the Sangam Age? (the Cheras, the Cholas, the Pandyas)
12.   Where did the Pandyas rule? (present day Tamil Nadu)
13.   Where did the Cheras rule? (over the modern parts of modern Kerala)
14.   Who was the famous king of the Cholas? Why was he famous? ( Karikala- his military achievements made him the overload of the whole Tamil country- trade and commerce flourished during his reign- he was responsible for the reclamation of the forest lands and brought them under cultivation- built the Kallanai dam across the river Kaveri)
15.   How do we know about the socio- economic conditions of the Pandyas? ( the Maduraikkanji written by MangudiMauthanar describes the socio economic conditions of the Pandyas)
16.   What was the capital of the Pallavas? (Kanchipuram)
17.   Who was the last Pallava ruler? ( Aparajitavarman)
18.   Who was the first ruler of the Pallavas? (Simhavishnu)
19.   What was the capital of Cheras? (Vanji)
20.   What does Bhakti mean? (Bhakti means total surrender to God)
21.   Name the famous sants of the Bahkti sect in South India. (Nayanars and Alvars)
22.   What do you know about Nayanars? (they were devotees ofLord Shiva and wrote poetry in the praise of Lord Shiva)
23.   What do you know about Alvars? (they were worshippers of Lord Vishnu)
24.   What did the handicrafts during the Sangam period include? (weaving, metal works, carpentry, ship building and making of ornaments using beads and stones)
25.   Name two ports that became the centres of foreign trade. (Puhar, Tondi, Korkai, Arikkamedu and Marakkanam)
26.   How do we know that trade was carried with the Romans? (Roman coins were found in all parts of Tamil Nadu)

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