Monday 2 November 2015

English - The Village School Master

Comprehension questions:

 Where was the school located? (The school was situated in a small village next to

the irregular fence that fringed the village path with full blossomed, beautiful but

ornamental furze.)

 What kind of a person was the school master? (The village school master was not

only a very strict disciplinarian but also a severe person to observe.)

 How would the pupils sense the master’s frame of mind? (The trembling pupils would

gaze at his face to sense his present frame of mind.)

 Where were the day’s misfortunes written?(The day’s misfortunes were written on the

school master’s forehead or in between the eyebrows.)
 What contrasting characteristics does the school master have?

(Although the school master is stern and a strict disciplinarian, he is a kind and good

humoured person.)

 Which instances show that the students were scared of the school master?

(When the school master cracked jokes the children burst out in fake laughter,

under the pretext that the jokes were awfully hilarious. If the children observed a

frown on his forehead, they circulated the gloomy news throughout the classroom in

an undertone.)

 Why was the school master strict with the students?

(He wanted them to be genuine scholars. Hence he was strict with the students.)
 What opinion did the villagers have about the school master?

(The villagers were unanimous in their opinion that the school master was a learned

and an extremely knowledgeable man.)

 What amazed the villagers?

(The high-sounding and incomprehensible words used by the school master during a

debate amazed the villagers.)

 Which skills did the village school master possess according to the villagers?

(According to the villagers, the school master could write and work out sums in

arithmetic. He could survey land, forecast weather and tides. Besides, he was able

to measure the content of a vessel and he had excellent debating skills.)

 Who approved of the school master’s debating skills?

(The village parson approve of the school master’s debating skills.)

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