Friday 28 August 2015

Syllabus for SA1 STD VI

English :  
Prose:Ubantu – An African Concept Of Humanity, The World In A Wall, The Swiss Family Robinson(Chapters 3 – 5)
Poetry: The Flower School, You Are Old, Father William
Grammar:-Determiners, Articles ,Pronouns
Adjectives – Kinds of Adjectives, Adjectives –Formation and Comparison Verbs, Verbs – Finite Verbs ,Verbs – Tenses, Verbs – One Word for Many, Subject – Verb Agreement (Rev)
Composition:-Comprehension, Biographical Sketch
Data Interpretation, Dialogue Writing, Descriptive Writing ,Message Writing – Rev,Informal Letter – Rev

Mathematics - 
Ch.4- Integers,Ch.5  Fractions
Ch.15 Data Handling, Ch.7-Introduction to Algebra

 Ch 4: Separating mixtures, Ch 7: How animals Move,Ch 11: Glow of Light,Ch 15: Water is life

Social Science-
History & Civics: From Janas to Mahajanapadas,The Government And its Formation Villages And towns in Ancient India ,Jainism and Buddhism ,Democracy and its Features Village Administration

Geography: Motions Of the Earth, Earth’s Empire, Geo-forms of Earth

Computer : 
Ch3 More on MS Excel 2007, Ch4 Introduction to HTML, What is HTML?,Basic HTML tags

paz -saahsaI knyaa,,doSaBa@t [ba`aihma gaadI-
kivata Armaana vyaakrNa-samaasa ,saM&a,ilaMga,vacana,,kark ,mauhavaro rcanaa -Apizt gad\yaaMSa ³punaÁAByaasa´,
khanaI¹laoKna,p~­laoKna³AaOpcaairk´,lahr khanaI-laoKrama jaI kI gaaya ,GaD,I ka mah%va 

Gujarati -
pa# :4 laqae v`=rae ,Í-]qa`a>,kaVy: - Î rata-fUl,  Paa#-7 klakar nI WaUl,,Vyakr`-ik/ya,jaeD`I, il>gsvRnam

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